
Thursday, 22 November 2012

Hi, this is Meby!

Hi, this is Meby. Meby is now officially staying at Tronoh wif Mama Momma & Uncle Momok. Cherios ~~~~

A gift from my husband, a marble bengal type cat. Jove you bang. I named her as Meby, since she is still a beby meow. Sgt aktif, tp tak lah se-hyper Sandy mase kecik2 dulu. Cuma a lil bit different about this Meby, she's really love water. Dia tak takut kalo kita siram2 dia dgn air. In fact dia sgt jakun dgn air. Dia akan main2 dgn air paip yang mengalir and sgt jakun dgn toilet yg di flush. Merbahaye takut dia termasuk dlm toilet bowl jer... hehehe.

Cuma susah sket tang makan Meby ni. Tgk makanan sket jer luak nye, nak kene tunggu dkt seblh baru dia nak makan. Ketaksuban Meby ni dgn air, sampai kalo tgh basuh pinggan dkt sinki, she will climb me sampai dkt bahu and dgn jakun nyer tgk paip air mcm nak terkam... Senang nak mandi kan dia kalo cenggini. 

Sekian buat mase ini pasal Meby. The other two cats Mama Momma & Ankel Momok kucing2 liar yg berpeleseran dkt kawasan rumah saye and becomes my side pet too.... They are too cute and I can't resist. Cat Lovers. Peace yaw!!!!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Sandy Nowadays

Sandy nowadays ~ hensem, bergaye dan gagah perkase

Sandy skrg dah jadi penduduk tetap & Hero Kg Sungai Manik. Since dah ade Meby accompanying me, I start searching pasal bengal cat. Agak nye Sandy ni pon adelah spesis from downline bengal jugak agak nye kot eh??????

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Updates on Sandy

It has been for months from my full last entry (in March - 6 months to be exact) on this blogos. Till this date, several incidents had happened while at the same time am struggling with day-to-day tasks i.e. pile of job, new house, travelling as wiken family ~ tiredness, exhaustiveness - circling my cloudy head. This is Week 2 since i'm having this on & off fever, selesema & batuk yg dasyat. Esok its gonna be Week 3 the symptom has been attached to me. Walllaaaaaa wey.

Being here, the objective is to update on the latest progression of my Sandy~Mandy. He's grown up now, getting bigger, wilder & tougher as Kampung Cat back in my hometown at Sg Manik. To speak the truth, I missed my Sandy. So here, lets layan some pics of my Sandy

Sandy dlm mase tumbesaran nye

dari sekecil tapak tangan, skrg Sandy dah besar selembar sejadah

Thursday, 24 May 2012

HeartBroken Me

All night with tears alone by myself. You are the reason i am dying inside. You are the one who broke me.
Lay here in bed crying & wishing. There was a way to runaway. From my broken heart and sheading tears~~~

Thursday, 15 March 2012

i Mish u Sandy

Dah lame takde amik gambar terbaru Sandy. Sandy now dah ade adik baru. Ntah sape pi drop few more kucing at my house. Sumer kucen2 kecik lagi. Tp kedatangan diaorg ni di sambut mesra oleh Sandy. Patut la bila pagi jer Sandy akan tak sabar nak keluar rumah. Mase kakso tgh siap2 nak pi kejer, Sandy ni dgn teruja nye keluar masuk dr sliding door depan. Kuar ade la dlm 2 minit, pastu masuk balik umah. Terloncat2, tertoleh2 then dia kuar balik. Bila dah siap nak pegi kejer, nak angkat barang dlm keter, then baru la pasan, rupenye Sandy dok gembira men loncat2 dgn adik baru dia. Kaler itam, kecik lagi.... tak sempat nak amik gambar. Sandy dgn banggenye memelok-melok adik baru dia.

Statement emak 'Bagus ade kucen kecik ni, takde la Sandy dok menggodam Mode jer'

Kat bawah ni gambar Sandy tgh mengganggu keamanan my hasben tgh nak tgk our wedding album. Ntah ape yg Sandy dok korek2 dkt kotak tu

Sandy tak hirau pon dgn satu tgn besar yg nak pok2 dia tu. Hehehe~~~

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Day 2~A Weekend Together @Hot Spring Sungai Klah

Early in the morning, we were greeted by the same cat we found at the porch. Kucen hitam demok yg comey elok dan sopan tunggu kami bg dia makanan. Mak kate dlm kul 3pg dia tgk kucen tu mmg dah ade tido dkt couch depan jakuzi. Baik kucen nye, bersopan santun. Pintu luas terbukak, tp dia tak masuk umah pon. Bagus kucen ni. Ape kami bg, sumer dia makan.

While others tgh cuba carik momentum, amnan & dik nun bergerak aktif. See amnan menggeget kipas. Dik tot still berselubung dgn towel. Outside, my hasben yg sampai ke hot spring dlm kul 3pg, enjoying the jakuzi bersame emak. Atuk pon turut serta mengambil udara segar di luar. My hasben enjoying the jakuzi.

Sumer dah siap and ready nak pegi bfas. Sempat snapped few pictures. Meriah bila sumer ade dpt berkumpul same-same.

Di meja makan, sumer menikmati hidangan. Amnan pulak hyper, dok jenguk kiri kanan jer. Dia pelik tgk ramai sgt org kot. He he. Pas bfas amnan terus nantok nak titun. So amnan bersame ibu nye pulang ke Villa 11. Tak dpt join kami.

The journey continued. Dkt papan kenyataan kate NO PETS. Tp kucen hitam tu sape yg punye. Leh cilop bwk balek umah ler camneh. He he. Jejaka jejaki yg ade, gigih tolak keter sorong atuk

Back to the Villa, time kami sampai amnan dah bgn pon. Before bersiap-siap nak balik, sempat kami lenjan for the last time the private jakuzi. Bila sumer peking2 done, we all straight back home to kampung sungai manik sambil tersenyum puas. We really had pleasant weekend together. Hoping we can gathered again at another time, another place. Alhamdulillah.

~ End Day 2 ~

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Day 1~A Weekend Together @Hot Spring Sungai Klah

We spent quality time together @Hot Spring Sungai Klah, Sungkai. Ambik kesempatan my lil sis cuti balik kampung. The landscape there was marvelous, cantek, bersih, aman & damai. Lil sis sempat bergambar depan villa while waiting for the keys. Atuk pon kami bawak sekali. Reason why we took Villa instead of normal hotel room, sbb in each Villa ade private jacuzzi. So mak & atok yg sakit kaki leh berendam dkt dlm jakuzi jer. We stayed at Villa 11. Spacious room & living hall. Mmg memuaskan dan selesa. Harga satu malam stay dkt Villa tu pon mmg memuaskan jugak lah. Heee~~~

Lps dah solat and lunch sumer2, we are ready for jalan-jalan petang in the Villa & hot spring area. Mase kuar dr Villa kami, ade sekor kucen hitam yg comey & demok greeting us at the porch. Ade byk type of pond there with different temperature. Ayah, kakcik & dik tot masing-masing tak melepas kan peluang berendam and try kolam-kolam yg ade.

Puas mereka berendam, we head back to Villa through the wooden walkaway sambil tgk-tgk the routing of the hot water. Landskap yg indah & nyaman utk di nikmati bersame keluarga. At this time, we actually still waiting for another troop of people. Angah & along still on the way.

Before masuk umah balik, we snapped few pic in front of our Villa. Then continue berendam dlm private jakuzi pulak. he he he~~~

Angah & along sampai, dan terus kami memulakan upacara bbq. Atuk & mak pon join dok dkt laman layan udara segar di luar sambil terhidu asap.

Yang dkt luar sibuk dgn xtvt bbq, while yg dkt dlm umah sedang bersuka ria jugak. Amnan sgt excited dpt jejalan dan sgt teruja dpt berjumpa dgn dik nun. See amnan berusaha mendekatkan diri dgn dik nun.

At the outside, angah tgh mengadu cemane payah nye dia mengharungi kesesatan nak mencarik umah along. Tak lupa juga kepada yg tgh syok menikmati hidangan bbq. Syedap~~~. Sumer marinate sendirik tau. Ade kambing, udang, ayam & ikan bakar.

Puas makan, along & angah berendam dlm jakuzi. Me, taking the photo & dlm mase yg same menunggu detik my husband sampai. He was on night shift that day. So sampai Hot Spring lewat subuh... syian~~~ lup u dear.

~ End Day 1 ~
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