Hi, this is Meby. Meby is now officially staying at Tronoh wif Mama Momma & Uncle Momok. Cherios ~~~~
A gift from my husband, a marble bengal type cat. Jove you bang. I named her as Meby, since she is still a beby meow. Sgt aktif, tp tak lah se-hyper Sandy mase kecik2 dulu. Cuma a lil bit different about this Meby, she's really love water. Dia tak takut kalo kita siram2 dia dgn air. In fact dia sgt jakun dgn air. Dia akan main2 dgn air paip yang mengalir and sgt jakun dgn toilet yg di flush. Merbahaye takut dia termasuk dlm toilet bowl jer... hehehe.
Cuma susah sket tang makan Meby ni. Tgk makanan sket jer luak nye, nak kene tunggu dkt seblh baru dia nak makan. Ketaksuban Meby ni dgn air, sampai kalo tgh basuh pinggan dkt sinki, she will climb me sampai dkt bahu and dgn jakun nyer tgk paip air mcm nak terkam... Senang nak mandi kan dia kalo cenggini.
Sekian buat mase ini pasal Meby. The other two cats Mama Momma & Ankel Momok kucing2 liar yg berpeleseran dkt kawasan rumah saye and becomes my side pet too.... They are too cute and I can't resist. Cat Lovers. Peace yaw!!!!