
Tuesday 6 December 2011

Sandy Day~7

This is day~7 Sandy been with me. Sandy is a 'he' actually. Since the he has been named as Sandy, nemind with that lah kan. Ada apa pada nama. Sandy was no longer takut2.... he is so playful & sangat aktif.

This weeken i have to send Sandy again to the nursery@petshop. Got to attend cousins wedding at Batu Pahat, Johor. This time Sandy will have to stay bit longer there, in total 6 days. Kesian Sandy..... but i love you dear. They will take good care of you.
Look at Sandy yang dengan mata yg bercahaya2. Comel sungguh. Sandy dah tak takut2. Tp bila dia dengar bunyik yg aneh2, contoh mcm plastik beg kene keronyok, Sandy akan nyorok and start hissing at me bila try nak pegang dia.... 
Ini tempat perlindungan dia since 1st day i took him. Dia tido dkt bwh baju2 tu.... maybe to warm up his petite body. Bila kene dukung or cup him onto my both hand, Sandy akan purring & snuggling to my palm mcm beby kitten nak nyusu dkt ibu dia.... kesian Sandy. Belum putus nyusu agak nye Sandy before this
Sandy sangat gembira, lompat2 main dkt hall umah..... sampai kepenatan....
Sandy tertido dkt kusyen lps penat main


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