
Monday 4 January 2010

Bad news on 2010~~~

Angah informed that he had tried to phone my mom since morning (4 Jan), but the line could not get through. We suspect something went wrong. We did try to call our nearest neighbour. But all are at work. I decided to go back after work to find out what happen. Maybe mom lost the handphone (i thought maybe the handphone drop kat dlm bendang or jatuh dlm parit coz my mom usually accompany my dad to kebun or bendang). But the news that i get is worse than that.

My house had been di masuki pencuri. It happenned around 3-4 am. My mom & dad were sleeping soundly. Tak sedar langsung. The buglar didn't get any cash, but he took away 2 handphones, 1 gold bracelet, 1 ring.

But I really thankful to Allah, my parent are not injured. We made police report and the officer informed us it was the similar case happened to other people within our area. The same way of getting into people house (the buglar did cut the grill).

P/s: To the buglar... what you give you'll get back. Sooner or later, he will be caught.

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